
Best & Worst Meme

Meme Instructions: Copy and paste the questions and answers below, delete my answers
and input your own. The twist is, the final question you need to change and make up your
own best & worst that you want to share
. Don’t forget to leave a link to your post in the comments.
  1. Best thing about Second Life: Freedom to build, be creative, family, friends and explore.
    Worst thing about Second Life: Being alone and drama.
  2. Best thing in your inventory: I guess that be my Penis Bike lol, brings up noob memories.
    Worst thing in your inventory: My inventory mess... wish i knew a easy way orginise stuff.

        Its Transfer if any wants a free copy just IM me inworld as wulla Zabelin :p
  3. Best earliest SL memory: Must be when there was more danish people using sl ,
    we had copenhagen / denmark sim and also one my friends sim who was in a danish
    television program telling about SL who kinda made me join the world. She and her that
    time husband had a club called DNK .... That was so much fun and kinda miss those times.
    Worst earliest SL memory: When my SL uncle left SL because of the reason" Linden Lap
    is deleting my things " and he also made my sl partner that time turn the back on me.
  4. Best thing you learned because of SL: Getting to know people from all places.
    And got me better at english .... still has my randomly wullanese though... :)
    Worst thing you learned because of SL: People are bigger assholes online because
    they can hide behind their computer screens. ( Quote from Strawberry Singh )
  5. Best thing about blogging: I guess i just like to share meme's and my own style and if i
    find stuff i brought in SL and show them to others ( I buy all my own things - no Sponsors ) :)
    Worst thing about blogging: Im too lazy sometimes
  6. Best cola: Pepsi Max ( And pepsi X, but its not on the market anymore ) ❤
    Worst Cola ever tasted: Coca Cola Berry


Goggle Meme

Meme instructions: Google your SL name and answer the following questions.
Don’t forget to leave a comment with a link to your post so we can all drop by.

Before you start to answer these questions, open up a fresh browser and
clear cache if you can. Make sure you are not logged into your Google
account and it might even be better if you open up a incognito window.

1. Google your Second Life name in “quotations” and share your results:
About 46.100 results
2. What is the first link that comes up? 
My profile for lolking ( League of Legends )
for where you can see how i play in that game x3

3.Which link were you surprised to see?
I guess that be the song i recorded on singsnap and made video out of it from a location
in SL ...lol that was fun to do, but don't listen to it unless you like ears bleed xD

4.Click on the “Image” tab and tell us where the first 5 pictures listed are from:
They are listed on my flikr page:  www.flickr.com/photos/wullazabelin/

5. Click on the “more” tab and then click “news” and share your results: 
No news feed found for “wulla Zabelin”  i take that as a good sign lol

Her instructions were to Google ourselves under both our real life name
and our second life name and share what comes up. Here are my answers:

1. How did the two digital footprints  compare, and did that surprise you?

My real life name is actually a very common name so it comes up a lot more than my SL name..
my RL name "Louise" gave out 678.000 so a lot more than wulla :)

2. Does anyone interesting share your name? 
I share my name with a famous british glamour model named Louise Glover

3. Are you happy with the size of your digital footprint, 
or do you wish either one was larger/smaller? I

I'm happy with both my names and don't need them to be diffrence or have more than i do now.

If you woke up/ logged in one morning to discover over night you had 
suddenly gained rock-star status, and everybody knew who you were and 
wanted to know what you were doing… what would you do? 

I'm happy for the results I got from my goggle meme. I would not like a
rock-star status rl or sl so I guess I would continue as nothing happend
and live my rl and sl as i have always been and be myself :)

Thanks to Strawberry Singh and  Emily  for their Blog meme's ,
dont forget to check out their blogs and meme's :)


Meet My Friend Challenge

Meet My Friend Challenge
Welcome to my Monday Meme Challenge - Meet my friend challange.

For this challenge, I decided to interview Babette Upshaw , She is a dear 
friend and 
also my SL Mother. I have known Babette for like 3-4 years in SL now so she one my 
long time friends and im pretty sure that nothing can breake our friendship, we been 
dealing with a lot of things together but nothing has split us apart , and i cant be more thankfull for having Babette as a part of my SL family, this means a lot to me.  

wulla Zabelin: Hey mum  you looking good today , and glad you could join me for this invterview! x3
Babette Upshaw: i always looking good LOL

wulla Zabelin: lol well how long you been on sl? 
Babette Upshaw: 6 Years in SL

wulla Zabelin: woa 6 years so what you been spending your 6 years on in SL?
Babette Upshaw: I been doing photography and modeling and some creating 
of shapes and such , so yea Sl is more exciting then rl

wulla Zabelin: What do you do, to always making you look sexy?
Babette Upshaw: I just always look for the best skins there is and what I find is there some 
really good priced skins that wont break you .. Its takes a lot of work to look this good.... 

wulla Zabelin: whats keeping you loggin back into sl?beside what you do.
Babette Upshaw: you of course and my friends otherwise I really wouldnt be here.
Also awesome singers out there that otherwise I wouldnt get to hear or know about, 
you see because of SL I met so many great people.

wulla Zabelin: Being in sl, what has it  taught you?
Babette Upshaw: Trust. Who and who not to trust.
People can so easiley decieve you and why, cause you cant see 
the look in their eyes. Its easy to make up a life behind a computer.

wulla Zabelin: Is there anything you want to share about yourself? 
Something my readers might not know about you? 
Babette Upshaw: My real name is Angelina jolie  hahah LOL, Not much to tell really. I am who I am. 

wulla Zabelin: What are some of your favorite stores to shop at in Second Life?
Babette Upshaw: Noya, Liv, Glam, Mohna Lisa, Upshaw Creations and Tameless.

wulla Zabelin: Do you like shop inworld or marketplace?
Babette Upshaw: Marketplace. Can find what I look for faster.
I hate shopping unless there freebie and such then I go to the stores.

wulla Zabelin: So what do you think is the best thing about sl?
Babette Upshaw: meeting people that other wise you and I would  never 
have met, I know for sure cause I would  never been able to go to Denmark.

wulla Zabelin: Finally last question of the intervew,  You’ve been in SL for 6 years, 
that’s a long time. I’m sure you’ve made a lot of friends and also lost contact with some. 
Is there anyone you miss that you’ve lost touch with?
Babette Upshaw: The ones I dont keep in contact with are the ones I dont want 
in my life so its a good thing.  I wish I knew what happen to Blaze Bogbat.

Here is some ways you can stalk Babette Upshaw: 

Second Life Name: https://my.secondlife.com/babette.upshaw 
Flikr Page: http://www.flickr.com/people/upshawphotography/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/babetteupshaw

Meme Instructions: Pick a friend, any friend, (male or female) take a couple of pictures 
of (or with) them and ask them a series of questions for a fun and lively post. 
They don’t need to be a blogger or content creator, just an SL resident. 
Don’t forget to share your link in the comments of this post!


About me Meme

Monday Meme Instructions: 

Copy and paste the following questions and answers into your blog post, delete 
my answers and input your own. Remember to leave your link in this meme’s 
comments so we can all come by, read your answers and secretly judge you.

Which was the last sim you visited? (Other than your home) -= Turrikoti =- a Finnish Furry place :)

Does your avatar look like the real you

I Shapeshift sometimes from Chinchilla bunny/ to human elf but yeah both 
my avies feels real to me else i wouldnt look like i do on them both :)

Do you wear underwear/panties underneath your clothing when out and about on the grid? 

No, only times i wear lingerie of any kind is (sometimes) when i have funtimes with my mate =D

If you won a million linden dollars, what would be the first thing you buy inworld? 

Nothing really, i would just make sure i had my full sim Secured for a while with payments :P

Have you ever bought something in SL and then realized afterwards 

that you had already owned it from before? Yes has happend a few times =/

Have you ever done anything in Second Life that would be considered illegal in real life? 

Well, eh a stalker can be considered illegal rl so yeah , if that counts i have lol.

If you could go out on a date with any other avatar, who would it be?

I'm happily mated with Sneaky Correia and not looking for dates :)

Who, in your opinion, was the greatest avatar to ever live? 

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done inworld? 

Taking my mum to a club with dancing penis and sperm lol , and also got cought once 
kissing with a girl and my brother blaze was after me for a while with that... lol ops xD

If your avatar had a mind of its own, what do you think it would say to you? 

Go stalking ;D

Please remember that you can participate in any of the memes/challenges at any time. 


Movie Poster Challenge!

Here we go again , i am sneaking inside the Harry Potter world, i looove these movies i just watched them all again, all 7, so
yes only movie that crossed my mind to Strawberrysingh's new Monday meme that i would have fun to do with was ofc, HARRY POTTER! So i choose Hermione Granger
and here is my SL Movie Poster Challange:

 ◀ ◁ ---------------------------------------------


❃ Skin: LAQ ~ Jewel 01 [Cocoa] Glow skin by             Mallory Cowen
❃ Shape: -BC- Shape Cherry by                                     Byrds Cale.   
❃ Hair: " Nataly " dark brown by                                   Edelstore.
❃ Dress: Gryffindor House Uniform MESH by             Kezzy Ugimachi.
❃ Pose: MaitreyaFModel05 by                                      Beauvoir Rousselot.


Dj wulla

      Wulla is also a Second Life™ Dj
      She is currently working :
     → ♫ ᴅᴊ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏsᴛ ᴀᴛ

      She plays Rock & Classic Rock
      sometimes with top 40 in the mix :)

       Feel free to IM me inworld if you wish
       to have me as a Dj at your venue.

About Wulla

wulla Zabelin has been a resident since 2/27/2007 in the Virtual second life™ world.

◣◥◣◥  .M A D E   I N  DENMARK . ◣◥◣◥

Name: wulla Zabelin  
Age: 35 ( B-day is 20.02.1986 )
From: Jutland, Denmark
Status: Single ❤ 
Occupation:  Pink Moon Estate owner
Voice verfied: Yes
Stalker verfied: Yes 

I am working in SL as professional wrestler Abby Henderson
and Kaylee the Baker in Premier Wrestling. 
I am on management team at Premier Wrestling, and my current position is chief Financial Officer. 

Music i love: Volbeat, Shinedown, Sixx:am, 
No Resolve, Smash into pieces, Five finger 
death punch, Theory of a deadman, Nightwish, 
Within Temptation, Aerosmith, AD/DC, Queen, 
Guns n' roses

Tv Series: Riverdale, The 100  & Stranger Things.

Places i like to go clubbing in SL : The Hangout, 
Zorros Taveren, SOR. 

Things i like to do in SL: Hangout with friends & family, 
clubbing, shopping, have fun and be silly.


Guilty Confessions Meme

So yeah i used this blog when i did classic with style and will now use it as my own fashion 
wardrobe blogging. I can't help myself look some those other amazing sl bloggers, one my 
favorite i found via facebook is Strawberry Singh, i looked her blog this Monday where she 
did a My SL Guilty Confessions Meme, so figured i try that too - i have lots confessions!!! x3

1. Socially Awkward 
Sometimes i over-analyzing how people think about me, i still work on find ways to build my
confidence as well in SL as in RL. Socially Awkward is a thing i struggle with because of my 
low self-confidence RL, it sometimes effects my SL, not really with how i look in SL but my 
actions sometimes , because of my typonese, im a danish person so english isent my first 
language and that gets me in trouble sometimes. My closest friends i been having for many 
years in SL now has over seen this and that makes them my best friends for being there in 
no matter what i do or what i say - because they know me :)
2. Stalking
I'm known for being a stalker, that comes from stalking my SL dad who no longer is
using his SL and missing him horriable. He was a DJ in SL "Robert Hailey" 
a aussie DJ i stayed up many nights for him and became his "Stalker Daughter"  lol.
My sl life has been a bit bored since he left, i have my partner that i love, and found 
new DJ to stalk his name is Dj Noah ( Tobi Lekira ) from Ambrosia and Rez Nightclubs.
Also my mom Babette Upshaw helped me in my newbie days on how to stalk and perv =D
When i'm online on SL i spend a lot of profile perving so yeah i might know YOU already :P
I know many Drama people, i whont say im one of the drama makers.
I had a lot of drama when i runned my club full time ~CLUB IDK~ but
since im running it for fun now i been able have over a year on SL 
without any drama... can you beat that? :P
4. Shopping
I loove shopping, but im also picky... I dont want junk outfits, and i normally 
stay away from growns, mesh dresses and prim skirts they are never good. 
5. My Inventory
My inventory is on 23.100 ithems, i try get rid of old stuff when i have time.
Its a mess after i have been shopping , i try to keep everything in folders so
i can find them easy , i sometimes save my outfits so i can easy change :)

Thats my blog meme for now. Hope you enjoyed reading it :)

Meme instructions: Share 1 to 10 of your top second life guilty confessions. 
Remember to leave your link in this meme’s post so others can come by and read your answers as well!

Work hard, play hard!

  Work hard, play hard! Hair: DOUX - Babymonster hairstyle [BLOGGER PACK] --- SPONSOR --- Outfit: .Estus - Rune Shorts - MEGAPACK comes f...