
Premier Wrestling

 Premier Wrestling

We are ready for a new season, with a brand new arena and more action!

Where to get Kupra ?

Kupra body

I been seeing Meela Vanderbuilt customize her Kupra body, and I was actually liking the body. 

I didn't know where to go buy it so here is a little guide:

1: go to http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Inithium/117/90/112 

2: Choose either the female or male, and sit on the teleport pads

3: There are two different body types to get


Kupra Kups


4. Decide what version that you think suit you best and buy that one.

Price for the body: L$3999

My favorite was the kupra kups, and i bought that to see how it looks! :

I think it is really cute - specially the butt looks sexy! 

- You have to buy kupra kups clothing, normal kupra clothing dont fit. 


Second Life | Answering some Questions About Being an SL YouTuber | Wulla Zabelin

Second Life | Answering some Questions About Being an SL YouTuber | Wulla Zabelin

1. How Long You Been An Youtuber? 
Ive been a you tuber since 23. sep. 2011 on this account with 2.586 views. 
I have some old videos on this account that is old, with poorly quality, but i 
cant bare to delete them. Its first recently i tock the guts to do videos. I most 
text in SL, but it also nice to speak out loud with voice sometimes.

2. What Made You Want To Become An Youtuber? 
Ive watched other second life youtubers and real life youtubers, i just never had the 
guts to do it. Well i do have a rl Youtube too where i talk danish and did some toturial 
videos on it, but i didnt like show rl me out there, because people can be rude on the 
internet. So doing it SL makes it easier for me. 

3. What Is 5 Things You Find Enjoyable About SL? 
- Spend time with friends and family - Wrestling 
- Have fun and be silly - Clubbing and exploring 
- Decorating & building 

4. What Is 5 Things You Dont Find Enjoyable About SL? 
- Liars and people who manipulate 
- People who not being honest about if they married RL
 - when people is not taking the same amount of time in things fx when we wrestle, 
we write matches, rehearse, rehearse and rehearse but sometimes it happens that some 
dont put same amount of time to it, and its easy to tell on the performence. 
- Timezone different, most the fun happens when i go to bed lol. 
- Lag can be annoying when you cant move and things are grey for long time. 

5. If There Was One Thing You Could Change About SL, What Would It Be? 
That there was not so much competition in sl and too much about business.
More free good looking things for decor, females and males of clothing.

6. How Long Do You See Yourself Being An Youtuber? 
As long i find it fun to do and not as a chore.

7. What Activities Are You Currently Involved With In The SL World?

I do wrestling in SL. I wrestled for helping Ukraine where we had a big show
on my sim,and i just signed up for Victorious 3 - Saturday 10th September 2pm slt
that gives money to suicide help line but is generally an mental health awareness.

8. Do You Find It Harder Or Easier To Make Friends Virtually or Real Life?
It can be hard, specially if people have their groups, it can be hard to get in those. 
and sometimes you just dont connect with all people.

9. Do Your Real Life Family Support Your Virtual Lifestyle?
My rl know about second life, but it not something we talk a lot about. They know i do
wrestling and such, and i guess as they think i find it enjoyable its fine for them.

10. What Is Some Advice For People That Wants To Begin Their Own Youtube Channel?

If you stop do videos for second life and also play other games and streaming those,
you can lose viewers. Same as if you take a long break or dont post videos regularly.
But do what makes it fun for you.


Second Life | Decorate with me

 Hey Everybody!

I wanted try do a decorate with me video - and i wanted to decorate 
a hobby room in my new house ( Yes new house again ) 

I hope you all enjoy this video, 
feel free contact me inworld with video ideas ( in a  NC )  or 
leave a comment under the youtube video :) 

I also would love feedback! <3


Storytime: My Noob Days! | Vlog

 Hey Everybody!

I hope you are well, and all is safe. 

I am out with a new video - i hope you like it :)

Any ideas for a video you wanna see feel free comment under the youtube video .


House Tour v2 and Second Life Tag - Challange

Hey everyone!

I made an new updated house tour, as i changed the house since last time. 

I also saw on YouTube. people doing The Kendra Project -
second life tag challange so i wanted to try that one out
as well and it was so much fun to do! :

Have any ideas to videos i should do more of in SL?
Let me know in my comment below my videos. 

Stay safe and see you next time. Thank you for spending time with me. 


Miss you dad

I miss you dad - 1 yr ago i lost you. It has been a crazy year..
i still miss you and cry when i think about you, but i know you
are a good place now, away from Cancer and the awful treatments.. 

i love you and hope you are dancing in heaven 


House Tour


Hey everyone

Today i made a SL - House tour video, you can watch it 
here on youtube. I hope you like it 💖


15 Years in Second Life – Then & Now Challenge

I already had my Rez Day this year on 02/27/2007. I have always enjoyed to do Strawberry Singhs (Linden) challanges on her blog, read hers here: Strawberry Singh so i wanted to show off mine.

To do this challenge, pick one of the oldest images of your avatar and make a
side-by-side comparison of a recent picture of your avatar. Here is my image for the challenge:

These pictures are both raw shots, and i not done anything to them beside crop them into this display. 

15 years in SL is a long time. I've done a lot of things. The best journey I am doing, is being part of Premier Wrestling in SL. 
SL has also changed a lot over the years. I was always against going to the mesh bodies, but looking back on some my older pictures when Facebook comes with the random memories makes me laugh seeing those I thought was the best picture I done at that time lol.

If you read this post, dont forget to leave a comment so i can go see yours as well :) 


Wrestling Specialist


Today I finally graduated to be a Wrestling Specialist. 

In Premier Wrestling, We have the opportunity to take certificates and get a document 
confirming that we have reached a certain level of achievement in a course of doing:
- Coaching 
- Commentator
- Referee
- Director/Booker of shows
- Wrestling Manager
- Production Specialist 
and to get them all, the hardest to get is Wrestling Specialist, because you have to get all 
the certificates before being able get the last one. 

During the certificates we have to complete certain hands on, to get them. 

I have learned a lot by taking these certificates.
April 23rd 2022 I were directing the show together with LG for Ukraine Show, and that involved a lot of organizing of people from 5 wrestling federations ect. 
My boss in PW said- that I showed leadership. 
With the certificates, I improve my skills and learn to do even better beside the basic training. 
As a wrestling specialist, I learned, I can handle pressure even I am being pushed out to the edge by certain factors in wrestling, but still do a good show!

Looking for something to do in SL?
Join Premier Wrestling  and start our training team today read more:


Cheif Financial Officer


Cheif Financial Officer

I have been working on Premier Wrestling management for year and 3 months in SL. My first position was TAM - Talent Aqusition Manager that i enjoyed a lot to do, but a very busy department.  I managed to get the roster to grow with over 20 + people passing the training deparment.  

During Christmas 2021 i got transfered to CFO - Cheif Financial officer, were i manage to pay our staff and ensure our budget is doing well. 

I love working in second life, also because in real life i deal with vertigo and i am not able to work, - so its nice to feel that you are still able to make a difference for people and yourself in a world of second life.   I hope someday however that i will be able kill the vertigo and work in real life as well, and i would still continue working at Premier Wrestling as i done both before.

In real life i am a Social Health Care Assistance.  

If you want to know more about Premier Wrestling. Plesse check this video: 



 Abby Henderson - The Nurse

Is an professional wrestler in Premier Wrestling since start of 2021.
Abby Henderson is currently signed on NAW taped show 
after she got 
drafted there on Feb 2, 2022, she has not been seen yet in any 
but can be watched in pervious seasons on Overload taped shows 
Premier Wrestling on the
YouTube channel. 

Abby Henderson is former unplugged Exreme womens champion D.03.06.2021. Abby lost her belt to Black Ops Bri.
Abby was for short time also Womens Champion S11 E4 D. 09.23.21, but Abby lost to Rebel Sweetheart in S11 in E8 on Overload.

Work hard, play hard!

  Work hard, play hard! Hair: DOUX - Babymonster hairstyle [BLOGGER PACK] --- SPONSOR --- Outfit: .Estus - Rune Shorts - MEGAPACK comes f...